Zakheerah is a company that prides itself on providing customers with branded, used original products. With a wide range of leading brands available, customers can find products at a fraction of the original price. The company's commitment to only offering genuine products ensures that customers can shop with confidence, without the fear of receiving fake, replica or 1st or 2nd copy products.
At Zakheerah, customers can choose from a large variety of products, each being unique in its stock offered. The sales team takes great care in ensuring that all products shown on the website are in their original condition and have not been photoshopped. This means that customers can be sure of the quality of the product they are purchasing.
The company's delivery service is reliable and customers can expect to receive the same product as shown on the website. The option of cash on delivery is available throughout QATAR, making it easy for customers to purchase products from the comfort of their homes. Additionally, orders over the worth of QAR 150 are eligible for free delivery.
At Zakheerah, the customer's satisfaction is the top priority. The company is dedicated to providing its customers with an exceptional shopping experience, from the quality of the products to the reliability of the delivery service. With a commitment to transparency and honesty, customers can trust Zakheerah to provide them with genuine, high-quality products at affordable prices.